Book Culture Club’s 47th event

27 May, 2022 (Fri)
4:00 pm – 5:30 pm (Hong Kong SAR)
Online via Zoom
Dr. Marija Todorova, Research Assistant Professor, Department of Translation, Interpreting and Intercultural Studies, HKBU
Guest speakers:
Dr. Robert Neather, TIIS
Prof. Mark Shuttleworth, TIIS
Prof. Brian Baer, Kent State University

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Considering children’s literature as a powerful repository for creating and proliferating cultural and national identities, this monograph is the first academic study of children’s literature in translation from the Western Balkans.

Marija Todorova looks at a broad range of children’s literature, from fiction to creative non-fiction and picture books, across five different countries in the Western Balkans, with each chapter including detailed textual and visual analysis through the predominant lens of violence. These chapters raise questions around who initiates and effectuates the selection of children’s literature from the Western Balkans for translation into English, and interrogate the role of different stakeholders, such as translators, publishers and cultural institutions in the representation and construction of these countries in translated children’s literature, both in text and visually.

The speakers will discuss a regional gap in the treatment of children’s literature in translation and topics of violence in children’s literature.

BCC 47th Book Launch: "The translation of violence in children’s literature: images from the Western Balkans"
Categories: Past Events