Book Culture Club’s 49th event

21 Oct, 2022 (Fri)
4:00 pm – 5:30 pm
L3, Au Shue Hung Memorial Library, HKBU
Innocent Mutanga, Founder & CEO of Africa Center Hong Kong
Daniela Alam, Educator, Author, Creator, & Host of the Podcast Series, Africa’s Lit
Emily Chow-Quesada, Assistant Professor, Department of English Language and Literature, HKBU

*This event is restricted to members of HKBU only. 
** CCL-recognized event
This is an event of the Transition and Violence Book Exhibition, which runs from 5 to 31 Oct 2022 on L3 of HKBU Library.

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Innocent Mutanga (Founder & CEO of Africa Center Hong Kong) and Daniela Alam (Educator, Author, Creator, & Host of the Podcast Series, Africa’s Lit) will have a dialogue on “African Literature in HK.” They will discuss:

  • The general landscape of African literature in HK – why here and now?
  • Forms and formats employed to introduce African literature in HK
  • Challenges encountered in populating African literature in HK
  • Significance/relevance of discussing African literature in HK

The guests will also share their unique perspectives by showcasing some of the work they have done. Emily Chow-Quesada (Assistant Professor, Department of English Language and Literature) will modulate the discussion. By the end of the seminar, participants of various academic and research backgrounds would have a better understanding of African literature.

BBC 49th Event: African Literature in HK
Categories: Past Events