Book Culture Club’s 52nd event

26 April 2023 (Wed)
2:30 pm – 4:00 pm
Multi-purpose room, L2, Au Shue Hung Memorial Library, HKBU
Dr. Lucia Ruiz Rosendo, Associate Professor, Head of Interpreting Department, University of Geneva
Dr. Marija Todorova, Research Assistant Professor, Department of Translation, Interpreting and Intercultural Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University
Prof. Jesús Baigorri-Jalón, Alfaqueque Research Group, University of Salamanca
Dr. Janice Pan, Associate Dean of Research, Office of the Dean of Arts and Department of Translation, Interpreting and Intercultural Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University

* CCL-recognized event

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The role of interpreters in conflict situations is of increasing importance in the world today. There are ethical, cultural, and professional issues that have yet to be explored, and there is a need for specialised training that addresses the specific contexts in which interpreters perform their duties, considering the situated nature of interpreting in these contexts.

The guests will also share their unique perspectives by showcasing some of the work they have done. This talk will present interpreter training needs and provisions in different contexts of conflict and post-conflict settings, from military operations and international tribunals to asylum-seeking and refugee, humanitarian, and human rights missions. We will touch upon important themes for interpreters in conflict and post-conflict situations, include risk management and communication, ethics and professional demeanour, language technology and its use, intercultural mediation, training in specific contexts, such as conflict resolution and negotiation, and working with trauma.

BCC 52nd event: Book Launch – Interpreter Training in Conflict and Post-conflict Scenarios
Categories: Past Events