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Sanatorium de Béthanie - Imprimerie de Nazareth, avcc vue de la mer et du Réservoir de Pokfulum, Hong Kong

The postcard shows the image of Pokfulam Reservoir which is the oldest reservoir in Hong Kong. The construction of the reservoir commenced in 1860 and water supplies began to reach the city at the end of 1863, making it the very first public reservoir in Hong Kong. It was connected by an aqueduct along Conduit Road to two tanks above Tai Ping Shan to provide water supplies to Central and Western districts. The building of the Béthanie and Imprimerie de Nazareth in the far background.

Author / Creator Unknown
Format 1 postcard : black and white ; 9 x 14 cm
Publisher  [publisher not identified]
Year [circa 1870?]
Language French
HKBU Library collection Chinese Missionary Art Collection
Work type Postcard
Keyword(s) Hong Kong Reservoir
Library record View the record in HKBU library catalogue
CC BY-NC 4.0

Cite this image as: "Sanatorium de Béthanie - Imprimerie de Nazareth, avcc vue de la mer et du Réservoir de Pokfulum, Hong Kong", in Hong Kong Baptist University Library Art Collections, accessed 06/02/2525,

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