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Arrivée de la mission extraordinaire de M. le baron Gros à Macao

Shows the arrival in Macau of French battleships which escorted Baron le Gros for his visit with the minister of France, M. de Bourboulon. Many spectators on-shore are watching the arrival. This was during the time of the second Opium War which took place from 1856-1860.

Author / Creator Berard, Evremond de, active 1852-1863.
Format 1 print : woodcut, col. ; image 18 x 33 cm.
Publisher JJ Dubochet?
Year [ca. 1859?]
Language French
HKBU Library collection Derwent Collection
Work type Print
Geographic location Macau
Keyword(s) Battleships Macau Military missions
Library record View the record in HKBU library catalogue
CC BY-NC 4.0

Cite this image as: Berard, Evremond de, active 1852-1863., "Arrivée de la mission extraordinaire de M. le baron Gros à Macao", in Hong Kong Baptist University Library Art Collections, accessed 11/02/2025,

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