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千歌万舞献给党 红心向着华主席
Thousands of songs and ten thousands of dance to the Party, red hearts turn towards Chairman Hua

Colored Chinese political poster. The poster features a group of dancers, in minority costumes and also worker's and military costumes, posing on a stage and holding the Chairman Hua Guofeng's portrait up high. The dancer in military costume is holding a red book of "毛泽东选集" [Chairman Mao's Selected Works]".

Author / Creator 尹家琅
Format 1 poster : color ; 53 x 77 cm.
Publisher 上海人民出版社
Year 1976
Language Chinese
HKBU Library collection Propaganda Art Collection
Work type Poster
Category Chinese Posters Post 1976
Subject(s) Politics
Keyword(s) Hua Guofeng Mao's selected works Minorities Women
Library record View the record in HKBU library catalogue
Copyrighted CC BY-NC 4.0

Cite this image as: 尹家琅, "千歌万舞献给党 红心向着华主席", in Hong Kong Baptist University Library Art Collections, accessed 10/02/2025,

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