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Army and the people are as one family

This poster depicts a PLA soldier cutting a young boy's hair in front of a wooden framed window. The boy is sitting on the soldier's neatly folded quilt and holding a toy rifly. The image aims to convey the close relationship between the army and the people and it is also represented by the Chinese texts on the peopercuts behind them. The papercut reads "拥军爱民 [support the army and cherish the people]".

Author / Creator 韩光熙
Format 1 poster : color ; 77 x 53 cm.
Publisher 辽宁 : 人民出版社
Year 1972
Language Chinese
HKBU Library collection Propaganda Art Collection
Work type Poster
Category Chinese Cultural Revolution
Subject(s) Culture and Education
Keyword(s) Children Soldiers
Library record View the record in HKBU library catalogue
Copyrighted CC BY-NC 4.0

Cite this image as: 韩光熙, "军民一家亲", in Hong Kong Baptist University Library Art Collections, accessed 23/01/2025,

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