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Остановить гонку вооружений, прекратить ядерное безумие, ликвидировать ядерное оружие
Остановить гонку вооружений, прекратить ядерное безумие, ликвидировать ядерное оружие
Stop the arms race, stop the nuclear madness, destroy nuclear weapons
The poster featuring two hammers hold by a dove shaped hand and one of them with the nuclear symbol on it. The most common meaning of white dove is peace. Text in Russian on poster.
Author / Creator | Lepeshkin, S |
Format | 1 poster : color ; 65 x 48 cm |
Publisher | Plakat Publishing House |
Year | 1987 |
Language | Russian |
HKBU Library collection | Propaganda Art Collection |
Work type | Poster |
Category | Other countries |
Keyword(s) | Soviet Union |
Permalink | |
Library record | View the record in HKBU library catalogue |
Copyright status | Copyrighted CC BY-NC 4.0 |
Cite this image as: Lepeshkin, S, "Остановить гонку вооружений, прекратить ядерное безумие, ликвидировать ядерное оружие", in Hong Kong Baptist University Library Art Collections, accessed 17/01/2025,