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Pagode près de Sou-tchéou ; Fou-hi ; Divinité chinoise

One print shows a pagoda near Suzhou. Another is of the legendary Chinese emperor, FuXi, who is associated with the eight trigrams. The third print is of a Chinese deity.

Author / Creator Unknown
Format 3 prints (1 sheet) : engravings ; images 13 x 12 cm., 7 x 7 cm., and 8 x 7 cm.
Publisher Publisher unidentified
Year [18--?]
Language French
HKBU Library collection Derwent Collection
Work type Print
Keyword(s) Pagodas
Library record View the record in HKBU library catalogue
CC BY-NC 4.0

Cite this image as: "Pagode près de Sou-tchéou ; Fou-hi ; Divinité chinoise", in Hong Kong Baptist University Library Art Collections, accessed 04/12/2424,

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