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Čestně splníme úkoly na stavbách mládeže! PŘIJĎ I TY MEZI NÁS!
Youth will fullfill the tasks of construction! Come along with us!

This image imparts all of the optimism in communist government circles following the first decade of their rule in Czechoslovakia, rallying young Czechs and Slovaks to join the "free labor" youth brigades which were tasked with assisting in industrial construction projects, both large and small.

Author / Creator Unknown
Format 1 poster : color ; 40 x 58 cm
Publisher Communist Party Printing House/Printing House of Freedom
Year 1969
Language Czech
HKBU Library collection Propaganda Art Collection
Work type Poster
Category Other countries
Subject(s) Economics
Keyword(s) Architecture Czechoslovakia Women Youth
Library record View the record in HKBU library catalogue
Copyrighted CC BY-NC 4.0

Cite this image as: "Čestně splníme úkoly na stavbách mládeže! PŘIJĎ I TY MEZI NÁS!", in Hong Kong Baptist University Library Art Collections, accessed 11/02/2525,

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