All collections > Contemporary calligraphy and Chinese paintings

Calligraphy of selected text from "The Buddhist scriptures" in running scripte (Xingshu)

圖中文字: 文殊優婆夷, 凌烟飛閣巔. 玲瓏五雲起, 蔗境興悠然. 漫道滄桑事, 江湖情更牽. 冷觀塵世外, 勝過活神仙. 翟公, 錢姐移民瓊樓已十數載. 早晚煙嵐飄窓而入. 如仙境, 健羡之至. 弟北居燕地, 以病住醫院近一年又半, 日維卧床. 近偶迴光返照, 勉起床執筆, 並口占一首, 以寄老友. 時一九九三十一月廿五日, 歲將盡矣!子固潘靜居於北京醫院

Author / Creator 潘靜安
Format 1 sheet : ink on paper ; 38 x 110 cm.
Year 1993
HKBU Library collection Contemporary calligraphy and Chinese paintings
Work type Chinese Calligraphy
Library record View the record in HKBU library catalogue
Copyrighted CC BY-NC 4.0

Cite this image as: 潘靜安 Pang Jingan, "行書五言詩", in Hong Kong Baptist University Library Art Collections, accessed 03/12/2024,

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