All collections > Chinese Missionary Art Collection

Yenchowfu, Kath. Mission : lehrer am séminaire
1920 Yenchowfu China Bishop missionary real picture postcard

This postcard cover from the bishop of the missionary mission in Yenchowfu, China, to a priest in the USA. Postmarked September 30, 1920. Very rare postcard depicts the Catholic Mission, with Chinese converts in Yengshowfu. Message on the back is written by the Mission Bishop A, Henningham to a reverend Aloysius Diemel in Detroit Michigan. Message reads: Dear Sir, I thank you very much for your kind donation you spent for a poor Chinese child. The baptism will happen soon. May our lord be your rewarder. yours in Christ." Chinese texts on postcard "中華教習" "靜坐常思自己過" "閒談莫論他人非"

Author / Creator Unknown
Format 1 postcard : black and white ; 9 x 14 cm
Publisher [publisher not identified]
Year 1920
Language French
HKBU Library collection Chinese Missionary Art Collection
Work type Postcard
Keyword(s) Christianity Missionaries
Library record View the record in HKBU library catalogue
CC BY-NC 4.0

Cite this image as: "Yenchowfu, Kath. Mission : lehrer am séminaire", in Hong Kong Baptist University Library Art Collections, accessed 21/01/2525,

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