此海報為基督家庭新春對聯。海報以象徵著吉祥的紅色作為背景。右上方大字寫著「福」和「樂」字,此二字均以麥穗環繞著,福字周圍「主常施恩惠從天降雨賞賜豐年」(另一半圓同)(徒十四章 十七節)。樂字周圍「真神呌萬民飲食飽足滿心喜樂」(另一半圓同)(徒十四章十七節)。右方中央「榮歸主名」。右下方橫向大字寫著「喜」。喜字周圍「我報給你們大喜的信息 今天為你們降生了救主」。喜字下方「他名稱為奇妙策士 全能的神 永在的父 和平的君」(賽九章六節)。海報左邊為一副對聯,上聯為「福樂如甘霖下降」,下聯為「頌讚似馨香上升」。
This is a Chinese New Year couplet with a Christian message. Columns on left: Blessing and happiness fall like rain. Praise rises like a fragrance. Top right: Blessing. Around "Blessing": He has shown kindness by giving you rain from heaven and crops in their seasons. (Acts 14: 17). Middle right: Joy. Around "Joy": The true God provides you with plenty of food and fills your hearts with joy. (Acts 14:17). Bottom right 1: Glory to the name of the Lord. Bottom right 2: Happiness. Around "Happiness": I bring you good news of great joy. Today a Savior has been born to you. (Luke 2:11-12). Below "Happiness": He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. (Isaiah 9:6);Red paper, black and gold lettering. Set comprises : - A. Two large characters in black, outlined in gold and encircled in a gilt wheat design, for doorleaves. Fuh 福 encircled by, "God gave us rains from heaven and fruitful seasons." Lo 樂 encircled by, "Filling our hearts with food and gladness." B. Two door post scrolls : "Happiness and joy as grateful showers descend : Praise and thanksgiving like sweet incense ascend." C. One lintel strip : "Glory be to God's Name." D. One Christmas panel : large black Hsi 喜 on a gold star, surrounded by Luke 2. 10,11 ; and with the titles of Messiah in Is. 9. 6.
Format | 2 sheets : ink on paper ; 108 x 75 cm |
Publisher | 漢口 : 中國基督聖教書會 |
Year | 1929 |
HKBU Library collection | Chinese Missionary Art Collection |
Work type | Poster |
Keyword(s) | Maurice Hutton Family Collection |
Permalink | https://bcc.lib.hkbu.edu.hk/artcollection/mh-35 |
Library record | View the record in HKBU library catalogue |
Copyright status | Copyrighted CC BY-NC 4.0 |
Cite this image as: "春聯", in Hong Kong Baptist University Library Art Collections, accessed 10/02/2525, https://bcc.lib.hkbu.edu.hk/artcollection/mh-35.