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Invitation to knock

海報兩側從右至左寫著「你們祈求就給你們 尋找就尋見 叩門就給你們開門 你們尋求我 若專心尋求我就必尋見」(太七章七節;耶二十九章十三節)。海報中間部份描繪了一對男女站在一扇緊閉的木門前叩門。木門頂端寫著「昨日今日一直到永遠是一樣的」。木門上部紅字從右至左「耶穌」「基督」。木門下部從右至左「凡求告主名的 就必得救」。門的兩旁黃色牆上也有紅字寫著「給我敞開義門 我要進去」(詩一百十八篇十九節)。地上紅字寫著「在外面必要哀哭切齒了」(太二十五章卅節)。海報左邊框「請到福音堂聽道查經」
This poster depicts two people knocking on the door. Left and right: Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.  You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart (Matt 7;7; Jer. 29:13). On yellow, next to door: Open to me the gates of righteousness, that I may enter (Psalm 118:19). Above Door: The same yesterday and today and forever. On the door: Jesus Christ. Whoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Border: Please go to church to hear the gospel and study the Bible.;Knocking implies the prayer of faith. It is faith in a living God and an unchanging Christ. Importunate prayer opens the door at any hour. No distinction of race, sex, or age debars from entrance. God is more than willing to respond.

Author / Creator H.M. Clark
Format 1 poster : color ; 76 x 109 cm
Publisher 漢口 : 中國基督聖教書會
Year 1937
HKBU Library collection Chinese Missionary Art Collection
Work type Poster
Keyword(s) Maurice Hutton Family Collection
Library record View the record in HKBU library catalogue
Copyrighted CC BY-NC 4.0

Cite this image as: H.M. Clark, "叩門就給們開門", in Hong Kong Baptist University Library Art Collections, accessed 10/02/2025,

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