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The Emperor "Teaou-Kwang" reviewing his guards, palace of Peking = L'empereur Teaou-Kwang passant ses gardes en revue, palais de Péking = Der Kaiser Teaou-Kwang hält Parade seiner Garde vor dem Palast zu Peking

The scene shows the annual review of Tartar guards in the court of the Three Halls of the palace. The emperor is shown at the far end sitting on a throne on a terrace overlooking the courtyard. He is surrounded by his ministers.

Author / Creator Allen, James Baylis, 1803-1876.
Format 1 print : steel engraving, col. ; image 13 x 19 cm., in frame 31 x 36 cm.
Publisher Fisher Son & Co
Year [1843?]
Language English
HKBU Library collection Derwent Collection
Work type Print
Keyword(s) Daoguang Emperor of China 1782-1850
Library record View the record in HKBU library catalogue
CC BY-NC 4.0

Cite this image as: Allen, James Baylis, 1803-1876., "The Emperor "Teaou-Kwang" reviewing his guards, palace of Peking = L'empereur Teaou-Kwang passant ses gardes en revue, palais de Péking = Der Kaiser Teaou-Kwang hält Parade seiner Garde vor dem Palast zu Peking", in Hong Kong Baptist University Library Art Collections, accessed 14/02/2025,

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