趙雲截江奪阿斗 : 楊柳青版画
Zhao Yun seizes A Dou as he intercepts Madame Liy at the river
《三國演義》故事畫。劉備入川,孫權差人來見孫夫人,偽稱吳國太病重,以誆孫夫人携阿斗回吳,索取荊州。夫人不察,遂携阿斗啓行。趙雲得知,駕船追趕,箭射吳船篷索,方才趕上,勸說夫人留下阿斗。後張飛亦來接應,夫人無奈,留下阿斗,自回東吳。 -- 《中國楊柳青木版年畫》 (p.113)
When Liu Bei was in Sichuan, Sun Quan sent Zhou Shan to Jingzhou to ask Liu Bei's wife (Sun Quan's sister) to go to see her mother, who was said to be very ill. The idea was to seize the child. A Dou (Liu Bei's son) in exchange for Jingzhou, which Sun Quan wanted very badly. Not knowing the plot Liu Bei's wife took a boat to see her mother with the child. Zhao Yun caught up with Liu Bei's wife and took away the child to counter the design of Sun Quan. Zhou Shan was killed by Zhang Fei, a sworn brother of Liu Bei. Picture shows Zhao Yun leaping from one boat to the other to get back the child. -- China Yangliuqing woodblock new years pictures (p.138)
Author / Creator | Unknown |
Format | 1 sheet : color ; 37 x 52 cm |
Publisher | 美術出版社 |
Year | 1956 |
Language | Chinese |
HKBU Library collection | New Year woodblock print and painting collection |
Work type | Woodblock Print |
Permalink | https://bcc.lib.hkbu.edu.hk/artcollection/j218-034 |
Library record | View the record in HKBU library catalogue |
Copyright status | Copyrighted CC BY-NC 4.0 |
Cite this image as: "趙雲截江奪阿斗 : 楊柳青版画", in Hong Kong Baptist University Library Art Collections, accessed 08/02/2525, https://bcc.lib.hkbu.edu.hk/artcollection/j218-034.