It features a young mother studying at a small table at night next to her sleeping child. Beside her on the windowsill are copies of the Selected works of Mao (2 volumes); Selections from Marx and Engels; Lenin Select Works; Anti-Dühring; The Communist Manifesto; and The State and Revolution. Five awards are displayed on the wall behind her together with a poster displaying the lead character from the Revolutionary Opera “Azalea Mountain”. A slogan on wall outside window reads “Carry on criticism of Lin Biao and Confucius to the end!”
Author / Creator | 刘知贵 |
Format | 1 poster : color ; 77 x 53 cm. |
Publisher | 中国上海人民美朮出版社 |
Year | [1975?] |
Language | Chinese |
HKBU Library collection | Propaganda Art Collection |
Work type | Poster |
Category | Chinese Cultural Revolution |
Subject(s) | Culture and Education |
Keyword(s) | Children Mao's selected works Women |
Permalink | |
Library record | View the record in HKBU library catalogue |
Copyright status | Copyrighted CC BY-NC 4.0 |
Cite this image as: 刘知贵, "深夜不眠", in Hong Kong Baptist University Library Art Collections, accessed 13/01/2025,