這張海報以梯子和十字架為核心意象。畫面中間描繪了一個紅色的十字架,十字架上豎立著一個紅色的梯子。另外十字架左右兩側亦各有一個梯子。靠在左側的梯子上,有一位穿著藍色長袍的人正在向上攀爬;下方還有一位穿著淺綠色長袍的人,正準備開始攀爬。而靠在右側的梯子上,也有兩位正在攀爬的人,上方的那一位已經快要到達頂端。海報頂端紅圈內寫著:「高梯通天」。架在十字架的梯子內,從下往上依次寫著:「救主降生」、「救主在世」、「救主替死」、「救主復活」、「救主升天」、「救主復臨」。梯子右邊:「若不流血 罪不得赦免」「憑着主血」。梯子左邊:「神設立耶穌 作了挽回的祭」「藉着人信」。海報底部:「行善事做好人」「將功補過」。右邊框:請到福音堂聽道查經。
This poster showing despite the various ways people try, there is only one way to Heaven. Text on the top of the poster in red circle: Ladder to Heaven. Ladder in Middle (bottom to top): The Savior Came; The Savior Lived on Earth; The Savior Died for Us; The Savior was Raised from the Dead; The Savior Ascended into Heaven; The Savior Will Come Again. Right of the middle ladder: Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin. Left of the middle ladder and below the horizontal beams of the cross: God presented Christ as a sacrifice of atonement, through the shedding of his blood--to be received by faith. Ladder on right: Do good deeds and be kind. Ladder on left: Try to atone for mistakes. Right border: Please go to a church to hear the Gospel and to study the Bible.;Two ladders are shown by which a man may raise himself a little way by good works and by merit--but these come short, even when pursued with the energy of a childless woman. The central ladder rests upon the cross, and by reliance upon the life, death and rising of the Saviour, heaven may be reached.
Format | 1 poster : color ; 106 x 76 cm |
Publisher | 漢口 : 中國基督聖教書會 |
Year | 1938 |
HKBU Library collection | Chinese Missionary Art Collection |
Work type | Poster |
Keyword(s) | Maurice Hutton Family Collection |
Permalink | https://bcc.lib.hkbu.edu.hk/artcollection/mh-15 |
Library record | View the record in HKBU library catalogue |
Copyright status | Copyrighted CC BY-NC 4.0 |
Cite this image as: "高梯通天", in Hong Kong Baptist University Library Art Collections, accessed 09/02/2525, https://bcc.lib.hkbu.edu.hk/artcollection/mh-15.