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Victory through the cross

這是一張基督教宣傳海報。在最右側紅色大字寫著「勝過罪惡」,與最左側的紅色大字「敗壞鬼魔」相呼應。海報被分成三個豎直的圖。在右側的圖描繪一個男子被蛇纏繞,蛇頭靠近他的頭部,似要攻擊那男子。圖的上方寫著:「惡人必被自己的罪孽捉住 他必被自己的罪惡如繩索纏繞」(箴言五章廿二節)。中間的圖有一個紅色的十字架豎立在中央,周圍被蛇環繞著。十字架上寫著「仗着十字架誇勝」(西二章十五節)。圖的上方寫著:「主耶穌藉着死敗壞那掌死權的就是魔鬼」(希伯來書二章十四節)。左側的圖描繪一個穿著長袍的男子手持聖經,腳踩一條蛇。這象征著信徒依靠聖經的力量戰勝邪惡的誘惑。圖的上方寫著:「賜平安的上帝快要將魔王踐踏在你們腳下」(羅馬人書十六章二十節)。海報左邊框:請到福音堂聽道查經。
This poster depicting how to overcome sin. Text on the right: Overcome sin. Left: Destroy the Devil. Right panel: The evil deeds of a wicked man ensnare him; the cords of his sin hold him fast. (Pr 5:22) Middle panel: By his death Jesus destroyed him who holds the power of death-that is, the Devil. (Heb 2:14) On the cross: Triumphing over them by the cross (Col 2:15) Left panel: The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. (Rom. 16:20) Left border: Please go to a church to hear the Gospel and to study the Bible.;Three panel pictures. (1) A man bound by sin as by a serpent. (2) A Cross standing triumphant with its foot on the head of a serpent. (3) The man, having  been freed by faith in the victory over sin and death that Jesus Christ gained for all believers on the Cross, yet finds he needs to wield the "sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God" against all personal attacks of the enemy.

Format 1 poster : color ; 76 x 109 cm
Publisher 漢口 : 上海 : 中國基督聖教書會
Year 1929
HKBU Library collection Chinese Missionary Art Collection
Work type Poster
Keyword(s) Maurice Hutton Family Collection
Library record View the record in HKBU library catalogue
Copyrighted CC BY-NC 4.0

Cite this image as: "勝過罪惡", in Hong Kong Baptist University Library Art Collections, accessed 10/02/2525,

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