All collections > Hong Kong Travel Poster Collection

Hong Kong, Qantas

Small format poster with a DC4s flying over Hong Kong harbour. Kowloon railway station and clock tower are prominent in this poster behind a sailing junk in the harbour. Qantas began flying to Hong Kong in 1947 and this was the first poster issued by the airline promoting their new route.

Author / Creator Unknown
Format 1 poster : color ; 51 x 38 cm on cloth board 60 x 47 cm
Year circa 1950
HKBU Library collection Hong Kong Travel Poster Collection
Work type Painting Poster
Airline Company Qantas Airways
Keyword(s) Aircrafts Clock Tower Fishermen Fishing boats Harbors Junks Sampans
Library record View the record in HKBU library catalogue
Copyrighted CC BY-NC 4.0

Cite this image as: "Hong Kong, Qantas", in Hong Kong Baptist University Library Art Collections, accessed 10/12/2424,

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