All collections > New Year woodblock print and painting collection

麒麟送子 : 楊柳青版画
Unicorn brings sons to the people

麒麟為傳說中的祥瑞之獸。《詩經》裏有用 "麟之趾" 以歌頌文王多子而賢的詩篇。故成為後世祝人生子的頌辭。 "麒麟送子" 一詞就更形象化了。 -- 《中國楊柳青木版年畫》 (p.122)

A legend says that unicorn, the fabulous animal, can bring good luck to the people since it can send them sons. A poem in the Book of Poetry praises the virtues of sons and grandsons of Emperor Wen Wang of Zhou dynasty as "hoofs of unicorn". Later "unicorn brings sons to people" is used as a message of congratulation to the people. Among Yang Liu Qing new year pictures similar themes have been found. The pictures decorate homes of newly - weds. They are either hung on doors or wooden screens. -- China Yangliuqing woodblock new years pictures (p.150)

Author / Creator Unknown
Format 1 sheet : color ; 52 x 37 cm
Publisher 美術出版社
Year 1956
Language Chinese
HKBU Library collection New Year woodblock print and painting collection
Work type Woodblock Print
Library record View the record in HKBU library catalogue
Copyrighted CC BY-NC 4.0

Cite this image as: "麒麟送子 : 楊柳青版画", in Hong Kong Baptist University Library Art Collections, accessed 06/02/2525,

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