All collections > Illustrations from British historical newspapers

Life in China. Part I, [n.1]

6 scenes: 1. Death in cage of a Chinese convict in the public; 2. Conveying prisoners to the lock-up by the Chinese officers; 3. Coolies in China carrying water and heavy loads; 4. A mendicant in the street sitting on a wood; 5. The rain-coat of the poor; 6. Three convicts chatting and resting

Source The Graphic, 1872-11-30
Format 1 print : engraving, black and white ; 41 x 29 cm
Publisher London: Publisher not identified
Year 1872
HKBU Library collection Illustrations from British historical newspapers
Work type Print
Library record View the record in HKBU library catalogue
CC BY-NC 4.0

Cite this image as: "Life in China. Part I, [n.1]", in Hong Kong Baptist University Library Art Collections, accessed 23/01/2525,

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