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A group of photographs taken by an American missionary in China, 1934-36. [Photo 7]

China 1935. Our Singteng Church - picture taken in front of their little street chapel which is a store they have rented and remodelled for their meetings. While taking the picture I was standing inside the store across the street! Shows how narrow the streets are.

Author / Creator Unknown
Format 1 photograph : black and white ; 7 x 12 cm
Year [1935]
Language English
HKBU Library collection Chinese Missionary Art Collection
Work type Photograph
Keyword(s) Christianity Church Missionaries
Library record View the record in HKBU library catalogue
Copyrighted CC BY-NC 4.0

Cite this image as: "A group of photographs taken by an American missionary in China, 1934-36. [Photo 7]", in Hong Kong Baptist University Library Art Collections, accessed 21/01/2525,

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