Showing 36 record(s) Browse by keywords Missionaries (16) Macau (15) Maps (4) Yunnan (1) Sichuan (1) Hunan (1) China Inland Mission (13) Guizhou (1) Missionary settlements (1) Christianity (13) United Presbyterian Church (Scotland) (1) American Reformed Mission (1) London Missionary Society (1) London Presbyterian Mission (1) Catholic Church (2) Catholic Church Missions China (2) Übersichtskarte über das von der Basler Mission bearbeitete Gebiet in der Canton-Provinz, China Reconhecimento hydrográphico [sic] do pôrto e rada de Macau. China. Sketch of the Typa and Macao Carte des isles qui sont a l'entrée de la rivière de Canton. A particular map of the entrance into Canton. Asia A plan of the city and harbour of Macao : a colony of the Portugueze, situated at the southern extremity… Carte de l'entrée de la riviere de Canton : dressée sur les observations les plus récentes Provincia de Macau. Sketch of the Typa and Macao Kort over oerne i mundingen af Floden Canton. Plan de la ville et du port de Macao Plan de la ville et du port de Macao Plante grond vande stadt Macao. De stad Macao. Map of Yunnan Map of Fushun city Map of Hunan A map of China prepared for the China Inland Mission Map of Kweichow province A Map of China Prepared For The China Inland Mission (1894) Mission Map of Manchuria Map of the Amoy Region (1880) A Map of China Prepared For The China Inland Mission (1916) Map of China prepared for the China Inland Mission (1903) A Map of China : Prepared For The China Inland Mission (1928) A Map of China Prepared For The China Inland Mission (1891) 中華天主教教區全圖 (1936) 中華天主教教區全圖 (1930) A Map of China : Prepared For The China Inland Mission (1911) Map of China : Prepared For The China Inland Mission (1899) A Map of China Prepared For The China Inland Mission (1905) Map of China Prepared For The China Inland Mission (1901) A Map of China Prepared For The China Inland Mission (1923) Map of China Prepared For The China Inland Mission (1905)
A plan of the city and harbour of Macao : a colony of the Portugueze, situated at the southern extremity…